unusual demont – COMPANY (audio)

unusual demont – COMPANY (audio)

unusual demont dropped earlier this month his sophomore EP CHRYSALIS, a 5-track r&b project which also includes COMPANY packed with talent (and a soon-to-be favorite of mine, I’m pretty sure). 

An alumni of Spotify‘s Fresh Finds program launched in 2021 shortly after his debut Amber, the Wisconsin-born artist moved to LA to continue building his career… finding love along the way. Unfortunately for him, things didn’t turn out as good for the latter but at least it became material for great music. “COMPANY is the last song I made on CHRYSALIS. I met someone when I first got to LA, and during all the high and lows I was facing at that time they made things feel better for a bit. But the baggage that came with the feelings became too heavy for me to bear and we eventually split. I wrote this one very shortly after to vent”, Demontcea Howard confides.

You might have noticed by now that I can obsess over BVs just as much as the main elements of a song and in this one, they’re bringing all the extra flavor on top of unusual demont’s shape-shifting voice and playful delivery. While other r&b artists tend to use them for harmonies and showing off vocal prowess, I love how they have decided here to make them an integral part of the whole rhythmic, pushing and responding to the lead, boyband style. And it all made even more sense when I found out later on that he’s a K-pop lover and used to be a member of a music collective (Unusual Past) as a teenager. “Even though it does stem from a sad experience, I wanted to make the song upbeat, he adds. Lending itself to the concept of CHRYSALIS; that dichotomy of seeming/sounding fine, but below the surface there’s a lot more going on. I’ve found that contrast to be a bit of a staple in my music thus far and I love it. This relationship, like the rest of the project, was a fleeting but crucial part of this transitionary period of my life.”

unusual demont is already promising new songs for 2024 and judging from his latest piece of work, it’s definitely worth staying around…

Stalk unusual demont.

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