Offering her first bouquet of sensuality and dreamy harmonies, let me introduce you to my new favorite flower in the musical gardens of Belgium.

If Aaliyah's nostalgia is regularly hitting you hard, Amber Olivier might just be the answer to your prayers.

A beautiful voice and a beautiful mind: Luke Burr is an old soul wrapped in a modern fashion.

I know: I've been lacking lately. So here's what I was busy with the past few months, not to justify myself but rather to quench your thirst of curiosity!

The song that feels like your favorite sweater exists and you have to thank RINI for it!

My verdict after listening to Justin Timberlake's Filthy? I've been fooled.

After spending 4 years in his basement creating music in his home studio, Jon Vinyl decided to come gasping for air in 2017 and ultimately, to let his songs go with the wind.

Some sensual R&B made in Belgium to keep you going this week!

It's pretty exceptional nowadays that lyrics manage to catch my full attention but Kamille succeeded in doing so with her debut single Body.